How easy would it be for someone to hack your favourite go-to password?
That’s a trick question: You shouldn’t have a go-to password that you recycle across lots of different digital products and services. Instead, you should try to come up with a different secret password each time.
That’s just one of several lessons people should bear in mind as they manage their online security. Here’s another: Using special software that can make billions of guesses per second, hackers can “crack” most passwords in a matter of hours – or even faster, if you use a really common password like “password1” or “123456.”
A good password isn’t elegant-looking and easy to remember. In fact, “ugly” passwords – ones that contain a variety of characters in unusual combinations – are harder to guess and crack.
Would you like some help crafting a tough-to-crack password? Follow the directions in the infographic below and you’ll end up with one that looks something like J@yzF4n#92 – it doesn’t look quite as nice as jaysfan92, but it’s a lot harder to crack. Challenge yourself to craft Canada’s ugliest password and you’ll be on the right track!