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Community Impact

At Interac, we are committed to excellent corporate citizenship and community investment rooted in helping Canadians get more out of life. We demonstrate our responsibility through impact-oriented programming that helps Canadians build their financial and digital confidence.

Through research*, we learned:

of Canadians say they face barriers that hinder feelings of financial control, and vulnerable groups* (younger Canadians, low income, and women) are more likely to say they face financial barriers compared to other demographics.
of Canadians note that rising inflation has made it more important than ever to feel in control of their money.

Our community impact mandate is informed by a cross-section of Canadians from varying cultures, backgrounds, and lived experiences. Working together, we developed a better understanding of the role Interac can play in supporting communities and improving the livelihoods of Canadians.

Building financial and digital confidence

We are committed to helping Canadians build financial and digital confidence, particularly those individuals and groups who are not often given an equitable opportunity to achieve financial success.

We action this by:

  • Working with community partners to launch relevant educational tools that support diverse entrepreneurs and Canadians in building financial and digital literacy skills.
  • Increasing access to mentorship and career opportunities through community sponsorships that support the talent pipeline for newcomers to Canada.
  • Advocating for systemic change within the Canadian ecosystem by collaborating with community organizations and other corporations to develop and implement policies and frameworks that work toward addressing gender pay inequity.

Championing diversity and inclusion

We are committed to championing diversity within our walls while fostering a richness of belonging within them.

We action this by:

  • Hosting learning activities that educate employees on the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and how we can all be better allies.
  • Implementing corporate policies that clearly articulate our stance against, and protect our employees from, any form of racism and/or discrimination.
  • Investing our community giving dollars in organizations that elevate underrepresented groups in key areas such as financial and digital literacy, access to employment, and the youth talent pipeline.
  • Understanding our workforce composition, their engagement, and what they value to determine needs and gaps in career development, progression, employee empowerment, and inclusion to inform programs, policies, and practices.

Supporting small businesses

We are committed to building solutions and partnerships that help small business owners from diverse backgrounds power their business with confidence.

We action this by:

  • Collaborating with other Canadian organizations to boost visibility of small businesses within our communities and encourage Canadians to invest within their own communities.
  • Working with Canadian industry associations, community organizations and local Chambers of Commerce to support small businesses in accessing resources and grant opportunities.
  • Sticking true to our commitment of being a low-cost, economical payments and value-exchange provider to help small businesses with their bottom line.

By the numbers: How Interac is supporting local communities

invested in community organizations in 2023
Canadians supported through financial literacy programs

raised for Canadians charities by Interac employees in 2023
Canadians charities supported coast to coast to coast in 2023

Are you a not-for-profit organization that supports several of our commitments above?

Email for Sponsorship and Community programming consideration.

Stories of impact

Read more about how Interac is working with community partners to build financial and digital confidence.

2023 at Interac: Committed to community investment

2023 was full of unpredictable and turbulent times for Canadians. From natural disasters to global conflicts and the rising cost of living, it was a year that tested our resilience and urged us to unite and aid communities in distress.

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Interac survey shows more than half of new Canadian families have been targeted by financial fraud

A recent survey by Interac reveals 70 per cent new Canadians polled feel they are more susceptible to financial scams than the general population.

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Conscious Economics Launches New HeARTwork Policy Framework to Address Barriers Faced by Diverse Women in Leadership

This new solutions-based framework addresses the intersectional barriers diverse women face in advancing their careers and provides recommendations on how corporate Canada can help address these issues to prevent the loss of these unique perspectives and enhance the future of work.

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Interac providing support to nationwide wildfires crisis

Interac made a $25,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross to support communities being directly impacted across the nation. Our funds will help alleviate current threats and support risk reduction initiatives for future disasters.

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National Volunteer Week 2023: Making an impact in our community

For the second year in a row, Interac hosted National Volunteer Week from April 17 – 26. We focused our efforts to learn, address, and understand challenges affecting women and small businesses in our community through various volunteer initiatives.

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Interac and Conscious Economics expand financial confidence programming for women across Canada

Interac and Conscious Economics launched Mindfulness & Money for Women, a free digital learning program that is informed by community experts and seeks to help all self-identified women break down some of the barriers they’re facing in building financial confidence and staying in control of their money.

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Interested in joining a company that is committed to excellent corporate citizenship and supporting local communities?

Check out Interac’s open positions

About the research on financial literacy and confidence of Canadians 

Research was conducted by Discover by Navigator among 1,998 Canadians aged 18+ over the period October 9th to 25th, 2022. The online survey comprised of a core sample of 1,500 respondents representative of the general population in terms of gender, age, region and education; quotas and weighting were applied to ensure proportionate representation to the Canadian adult population according to Statistics Canada census data. The core sample was supplemented by an oversample of 498 respondents with an annual household income less than $55,000; subsample analysis of this “low income” cohort included a total of 1,000 respondents (core sample with household income <$55,000 + oversample) and was based on unweighted data. On average, the survey took 9 minutes to complete. An associated margin of error for a randomly selected sample of n=1,500 would be ±2.6%, 19 times out of 20.